Monday, March 23, 2009

Codes for FCEU (Volume S)

Seicross (the scooter game)
Invincible -- 0501 034 (or 0501 22)
Level 3 -- 061d 002 (or 061D 02)
Invincible (for cartridge users)
----- 0501 022

Invincible – 05a3 099
Metal Man (indestructible)
-- 05c2 003
Lives --- 071c 006
Special jumping powers
(cartridge users only) – 05e8 099

Energy -- 0539 004
Final level -- 053b 012
Game Genie energy : SZNIPNVK

Silent Assault
Energy -- 002c 005
Lives -- 002e 005
Pow -- 0062 003
Pow -- 00d6 003

Helicopter invincible – 0051 080
Player 2 invincible -- 0062 080
Infinite lives -- 0057 007
Lives, player 2 -- 0068 007

Silver Surfer
Invincible 061b 128
+ 0056 254
(alittle temporary sprite distortion).

SIMONS QUEST (Castlevania 2)
Invincible -- 04f8 090
Flame whip -- 0434 004
Weapons -- 004a 255
Weapons -- 0091 255
Weapons -- 0092 255
(input all three weapons codes together)

Skate or Die 2
Infinite Life 00b6 004
(not yet tested to completion)

Sky Destroyer
Invincible -- 0075 240
(except for steering into water)
Unknown effect -- 006f 119

Snake, Rattle & Roll
Invincible -- 040d 099
Lives -- 03df 005
Time -- 00cf 003
ALL DOORS OPEN – 00b6 001

Snow Bros.
Invincible -- 03d2 001
Invincible -- 03d3 001
(pl 2)

Invincible -- 04a6 050
This game can be Found on the “76-in-1” Rom on Page 7

Invincible -- 07e9 000
Lives -- 002f 004

Star Force
(the old style Star Force, not released in U.S.)
These are all “Game Genie” codes
P X P S E V invincible on some versions.
L X P S E V enemies bump you instead of killing you.

(tecmo 1987 released in USA. Sharper graphics.)
Game Genie. (Original code, of course)
K O T L Y T (all enemies are gone.)
You must defeat the 1st end boss,
Or the game will freeze.
Regular codes for Starforce:
Start half way through the game --0034 008
Level 2 -- 0034 002
Level 3 -- 0034 004
Level 4 -- 0034 006

Star Soldier
see the "100% original game-genie codes" blog

Star Tropics
Energy – 0112 006

Star Tropics 2 (Zociacs Revenge)
Energy -- 0112 010
Lives -- 0117 006
Weapons – 012a 005
012b 005
0122 014

Street Fighter 2010
Ultimate fire-power -- 00b2 009
Invincibility -------- 0060 001

Energy -- 0569 064

Super Dodge Ball
Always Level 1 enemies.
Their skill never increases: -- 007a 001
......Start at the final level -- 0071 007

Super C (contra 2)
Invincible 00a0 002
Lives 0053 007
Invincible--- type 2 005b 050 + 00c4 099
(--005b 32 + 00c4 63--)
Lives for Player 2 0054 007

Check this out:
Select any world at the title screen,
by simply pressing the “B” button.
07FC 002
Begin on the 2nd quest 076A 001
Mario is always big ---0754 000 + 0756 002---
NEVER die from falling
00b5 001 + 0712 001 + 0723 000
(notice: obviously, you can get stuck in some circumstances)
Infinite Lives 075a 006
There are original game-genie codes on the NES Game genie collection)

Multi jumps 0099 000
Invincible 0085 001
Mega float 04c9 255 (or 04C9 FF)
Remove the music 0609 000
Infinite Energy 04c2 031 (or 04C2 1F)
Infinite Lives 04ed 007

Fun code ---chew up the enemies
04e0 001 + 0010 000
Start at level 7 0635 006

Check this out: start in any part of the world!!!
03f3 007
start as raccoon --------- 00ed 003
always can fly 056e 030
+ 04e1 255
(or 056E 1E + 04E1 FF--)
ride a cloud 03f3 007
Invincible 0552 133 (or 0552 85)
Infinite Lives 0736 007
Start in world 8 -------------0727 007
No music -------------------04e5 000
Always have all items- 7d80 008 + 7d81 001 + 7d82 002 + 7d83 003 + 7d84 004 + 7d85 005 + 7d86 006 + 7d87 007 + 7d89 009 + 7d8a 010 + 7d8b 011 + 7d8c 012 + 7d8d 013 + 7d88 008 (--7d88 0a, 7d88 0b, 7d88 0c, 7d88 0d--)
Weird: Walk on lava 00f1 000
Weird: never die from falling
00b4 000 + 0087 001

Always Fire Mario -- 0624 003
Always Cape Mario -- 0624 003

Super Sprint
******* .
game genie code
LOSIEE -- the computer cars don’t move
Slow enemies: -- DbD0 027

Energy – 05cc 050
Invincible – 0420 240

Super Spy hunter
Lives --- 0078 002
Energy --- 007b 020
Level 4 --- 0064 003
0059 000 + 005a 000 + 0093 002
(the last code “0093002”has not been tested yet)

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